
Monday, March 31, 2014

MADD GA Law Enforcement Banquet

Officer Darren Johnson

Sergeant Randy Evans
Two WRPD officers received recognition at the 2014 Gold Shield Honor Awards.  The awards were presented at the 10th Annual Law Enforcement MADD GA Banquet in Atlanta on March 27th.

Congratulations to Sergeant Randy Evans for being named the Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) of the Year by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD).  This recognition is "awarded to a DRE who has separated him/herself in the DRE program by keeping their training up to date, completing enforcement evaluations, and entering all evaluations into the IACP database."

Officer Darren Johnson also received recognition for being one of Georgia's "Officer DUI Heroes."  The award is given to the officer with the highest total of DUI arrests in their respective district.

We are proud of our officers for their achievements!

Photos by Lou Crouch