
Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Summer is Over, School Zones are BACK

Students will head back to the classroom tomorrow, August 2, 2017 in Houston County. We're all about safety in Warner Robins and wanted to remind you of a few road rules. 

When a bus stops on a two lane road, vehicles traveling in both directions MUST STOP. 

If a bus stops on a multi-lane road with a paved center lane, vehicles traveling in both directions MUST STOP. 

The rules are a little different on a divided highway. For example, if there is a barrier between the north and south bound lanes, or the east and west bound lanes vehicles behind the bus MUST STOP. The median barrier could be dirt, grass or a concrete divider. A center turn lane is not considered a barrier. For example, Highway 247, parts of Highway 96, Russell Parkway and Watson Boulevard are not considered a divided highway or roadway.  If there is a barrier vehicles traveling in the opposite direction must use caution, but are not required to stop. 

Also, motorists please remember to use caution around crosswalks. Pedestrians please only cross the road at a crosswalk for your safety. 

With a new school year comes school zones! You're children have had a break from the classroom and motorists have had a break from school zones. Summer is over! Please remember to obey all speed limits including the school zones. Be on the look out also for new school zones. For example a new school zone was added on South Pleasant Hill Road between Forrester Drive and Garland Terrace for Christ School's new location. 

Drive safely and have a great school year!