
Friday, May 11, 2018

Back the Blue Glow Run Road Closures

Release date: May 11, 2018
Event: Back the Blue Glow Run Road Closures 
Date/Time: May 12, 2018 approximately 8:30PM-midnight

Please be advised that at 9PM the east bound lanes on Watson Blvd from Davis Drive to Hwy 247 will be closed. Armed Forces Blvd to Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd will be closed and Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd to Davis Dr. will be closed during the Back the Blue Glow Run. A portion of Commercial Circle will also be closed during this time frame. 

At 8:30PM traffic on MLK Blvd around C.B. Watson Primary School will be closed to vehicular traffic. 
Please plan ahead and choose an alternate route. 

For more information please contact Public Information Officer, Jennifer Parson at 478.302.5417 or at