
Monday, December 3, 2018

The Daily Beat: Weekend Edition

From 6AM Friday, November 30th to 6AM Monday, December 3rd our officers responded to 

634 calls 

From 6AM-6PM on (11/30) 8 officers and 3 supervisors were on duty. 

From 6PM(11/30) to 6AM (12/1) 9 officers and 3 supervisors were on duty. 

From 6AM-6PM (12/1) 7 officers and 3 supervisors were on duty. 

From 6PM (12/1) to 6AM (12/2) 8 officers and 3 supervisors were on duty. 

From 6AM-6PM (12/2) 7 officers and 3 supervisors were on duty. 

From 6PM(12/2) to 6AM (12/2) 9 officers and 2 supervisors were on duty. 

Ofc. Chittenden and Ofc. Brown located stolen vehicles during their night shift! The vehicles were returned to their owners.  Great Job! We are #WRPDstrong! 

Officers on Squad 4 caught five teenagers who were breaking into vehicles in the area of Tallulah Trail and Leisure Lake Drive. All five were charged with 9 counts of Entering Auto and 3 counts of Financial Transaction Card Theft. 
Awesome job Squad 4! We are #WRPDstrong!

Many of you saw this post circulating on social media over the weekend. We looked into the accusation and have determined that no officers with the Warner Robins Police Department made any traffic stops during this time frame in that area. Therefore we can confirm that our officers did NOT make this traffic stop.