From 6AM (12/3) to 6AM (12/4) our officers responded to
235 calls
From 6AM-6PM (12/3) 8 officers and 3 supervisors were on duty.
From 6PM(12/3) to 6AM (12/4) 9 officers and 3 supervisors were on duty.
Our department wrapped up our 30 days of giving campaign. Our officers enjoyed helping pack bags and raising funds to purchase turkeys for Feed the City. As a department, we were able to raise enough money to purchase 11 turkeys. 

This organization provides hundreds of Thanksgiving meals for families in need in our community. We were honored to be part of their event this year.
Our department also hosted a clothing and supplies drive for the Salvation Army Safe House during the month of November. Thank you to all of you who helped us give three large tubs full of donations to this organization that does so much for victims of domestic abuse in our community.
We are #WRPDstrong!